
How you grieve a loss will be the right way for you and you will grieve differently for each loss. You will find my approach to be warm, supportive, informative and safe and designed to address your specific needs. I work holistically, engaging the mind, body and spirit in our work together.
Individual therapy
Whether you’re grieving a death related loss or the end of a relationship, dream or life stage, A Place for Grief™ provides safety, education and support through your journey. Because each type of loss is unique and everyone grieves and expresses grief differently, the work we do together will address your specific needs although you can expect a warm, nurturing, purposeful approach with me that engages the mind, heart, body and spirit. Please know that there is no time line or distinct stages of grief (unlike stages of dying), that symptoms may take weeks or months to appear and that they do change over time.

We typically meet for weekly sessions that are 50-60 minutes in duration. It is often beneficial to allow some time after sessions to be kind to yourself -whether it’s a meal, a nap, journaling or a walk- to allow your nervous system to settle before getting on with the rest of your daily routine.

Couples therapy
Whether you need support in conscious uncoupling, learning how to support one another following a death, loss of job or change in life circumstances, A Place for Grief™ can help.

Conscious uncoupling provides a safe opportunity for you to review, reflect, reconcile, share and conclude your relationship with peace, gratitude and respect for each other.

Often the death of a mutual loved one can be a significant relationship stressor as we all grieve differently, have unique ways of expressing our pain and vary with regards to our needs to be soothed and comforted. I provide grieving couples a safe and effective place to work with and through your individual and shared sorrow and communicate your needs for support to your partner in ways that deepen your relationship following loss.

Non-death related losses – such as the loss of a job, children leaving home, changes in health, relocation, retirement or aging – may evoke stress, depression, anxiety, anger, despair, fear or grief for either or both couple members. Couples therapy can be a safe and healing place to turn towards your grief together, reduce the isolation you each may be experiencing and develop skills to gain and receive support from your partner.


Family therapy
Loss often causes the equilibrium of family systems to shift and feel out of balance. A Place for Grief™ provides whole family support for all impacted by this change, whether your family system is comprised of two or many members.
Asheville support groups
One the great benefits of group work is undoing the aloneness people often experience in grief and for many years, a passion of mine has been to facilitate support groups to both ease isolation and gain resources to better cope with loss. At every meeting, members will be invited to share about their ongoing process, I will provide education on a particular theme related to your groups’ unique loss and there will be time to support one another as a community. These are typically 8-week groups consisting of 6-10 members who meet weekly for 90 minutes. Each group member will complete an interview with me prior to the beginning of the group to ensure a good fit.

I offer these groups throughout the year; please contact me if you’d like to learn more about any of these groups or have an interest in participating: Click for Group Pages 

Spousal and Partner Loss
Healing after Uncoupling
Grief and Recovery
Motherless Daughters
Death of an Adult Child
Sibling Loss
Pet Loss
Continuing Bonds
Successful Relocation
My Life in Review
Self-care for Caregivers
Finding Center-Grounding in Hard Times

Consultation and adjunctive therapy
I provide: consultation for therapists wanting to strengthen their own grief skills; adjunctive therapy for your grieving clients and general clinical case consultation.
Organizational loss support
The sudden or anticipated death of an employee, colleague or student impacts an entire organization or school. I have been trained in Critical Incident Stress Management to provide brief crisis support on-site for groups and individuals to address feelings, provide coping skills and make referrals as needed.